Hosting and Backups

We currently manage the hosting of all of the websites and web applications we build. This end to end service ensures that you have one point of contact for all your website requirements.

Cloud Hosting

We host all of our sites with a selection of cloud server providers. Because our clients are UK based we store all their data here in the UK, but benefit from the resilience large cloud providers are able to offer. Using the cloud makes it much easier to scale up our hosting in-line with our clients requirements. We're able to add new servers to our system, fully installed and ready to receive code within 15 minutes.

Uptime & Monitoring

We take uptime very seriously, monitoring all our websites via a third party service which pings our sites every five minutes from around the world. We're alerted on our phones to any downtime so we can take immediate action.

We also generate real-time graphs of your servers CPU, Memory and Hard-Drive usage to allow us to keep an eye on usage trends and predict when we need to upgrade a server, or move your site to a server with more space.


We take backups of all of our website file systems and their databases every night. We keep these backups for a minimum of seven days allowing us to restore your site should the worst happen and your data is somehow corrupted. The backups are held off-site and are with a different provider than our hosting, allowing them to be accessible even if your server provider is for some reason unavailable.

Deploying from Version Control System

All of the code we write for your site is recorded in a version control system. Allowing us to quickly see which developer made what change and when. It also allows us to roll back changes and re-deploy your site to a new server with relative ease.

Zero Downtime Updates

We run your website within a Docker container. This light weight virtual environment means, every time we push an update to your site we're able to create a new container, run some simple checks, then instantly take the old site down and put the new site up. This mechanism means your site need never miss a beat during updates.

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