Back in the city!

1st March 2022

The last 2 years have seen us all working in our various homes around the North West of England. Now Covid seems very much in retreat we’ve taken the plunge and decided to take office space again.

Working from home was fun, but pushing a technology company forward, as with many businesses, benefit from face to face interaction with our colleagues. Allowing us to plan projects, discuss ideas and generally keep energised without the need to arrange zoom calls etc.

Our new office space is within the Tomorrow Building which not only supplies us with a place to work, but also access to numerous meeting rooms for a future when we can finally start getting together with clients again.

If you’re a Duo Client, (or you’d like to be), and like to discuss your next project, why not contact us. You can take a look around our exciting new building and we can treat you to a coffee at our very own coffee bar.

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