It's Not Okay

This was a bespoke web solution in conjunction with Media and Digital for Project Phoenix, a Greater Manchester Police collaboration for the protection of children from sexual exploitation.

Content Re-Structuring

Child Sexual Exploitation is a very sensitive matter that has recently been brought to light with BBC dramas based on the subject. Therefore, Project Phoenix wanted to create a website where the content is structured in to three distinct sections (children, parents & professionals). This allows visitors to the site to access information directly related to them.

Document Downloads & Videos Embedding

The It's Not Okay team wanted the ability to include downloadable documents and campaign materials, which all possible with standard features of Duo’s bespoke Content Management System. Also they wanted to include videos within their content, our Api integrated Youtube toolbar allows them to easy and quickly embed video content.

Postcode Search

It’s Not Okay identified it was important for users of the website to be able to locate their nearest CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation) team. To enable this we put in place a feature to allow users to enter their postcode, we then calculate the distance to each CSE team and list the nearest first.

Website Type

Duo CMS - Easy Edit Website

Client Location



Image Slideshow
Social Integration
Postcode Search
Keyword Search

Launch Date

July 2017

Website Address

More Work

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