We are delighted to have won for the hugely successful work on the MathsWatch VLE

In collaboration with MathsWatch we have developed a complete Mathematics learning resource and online learning environment with a massive potential to scale their solution for more schools.

The aim was always to remove as many barriers for users as possible, these centred around inclusivity of device types and also minimising access restrictions, this has paid off in terms of the sheer level of engagement at almost any time of day or night.

- Used actively in over 2500 schools in the UK 
- 1.4 million users
- 70,000+ logins per day ( growing daily ) 
- 2500+ concurrent users
- 13.8 million answers ( in the first 6 months )
- 84.2 million page-views ( in the first 6 months )

“Working with Duo Design we have developed a system that can take a written answer to a multi-step problem, analyse that answer and allocate marks just like an examiner would. We are now the only company with the complete package of video clips and genuine exam-style questions for every Maths topic on the syllabus – sales evidence tells us that we are the preferred solution to providing that vital Maths educational support to teachers and students for over half the schools in the country. This market share is growing.”  Ken Smith at MathsWatch
“Just want to say thank you for this great resource. Just finished an after-school revision lesson with Yr 11. They love it, I love it and my team love it.”  Lilian Wiggle, Head of Maths at Challney High School for Boys

To see the full case study about this project click here >

The Big Chip Awards

The Big Chip Awards are now the largest digital awards outside London and the longest running in the UK.

Now in their nineteenth year, the awards are eagerly awaited by people in the industry and the fabulous awards evening has become a must-attend event for digital and technology businesses..

The awards are known for the highest standards of objectivity and integrity and are judged by a distinguished panel of experts from the industry.

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